Now Over 1100 Downloads of the Top Trumps 2016 PDF Book which make it the most popular book we have ever released Thank You, 

Hi Everyone well its finally here Top Trumps 2016 something to really wet your appetite for the forthcoming season. I would firstly like to thank our Judges Imelda Parker, Kingsbarns & Chris Palmer who put alot of their time into this. also Special Thanks to David Betts Photography for the images.

AOBFS Top Trumps 2016 is available in 2 formats PDF Download HERE the file size is around 9mb

Or its available in flipbook format which can be viewed directly below (Same Controls as our yearbook) 

We hope you enjoy them and would appreciate any feedback as you can imagine they took alot of work to put together and we want to know if its something you would like to see back in 2017 anyway enjoy.



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